Unique identity to google & bing search engine product feeds.
“Brand Name” have distinct panel to handle search engine marketing platform. Our team handled more than 500+ projects and 200+ regular data feed upload for search engine date feed management. We are connoisseur in the following search engine platforms.
Smarter.com .
Google Product Search .
Shop.com .
Shopping.com .
Like.com .
Each search engine platform has exceptional technical aspects and specification to handle the product feed management. Feed generation is specifically done by our panel members by making analysis based on those fields according to the product category. Each feed upload requires minimum 2 or 3 test feed upload for performance testing. After obtaining the performance testing report, the optimization panel will fix the issues which occurs during the testing. So achieve the target in short span using search engine feed platform and make it simple with our panel. We will provide the statement, based on the search engine platform.
Google merchant shopping product feed management:
We handled more than 70% search engine feed management projects under google merchant feed handling and google product feed optimization. Never all the shopping cart feeds are in similar datas, based on the product details each one have unique identity so handling that unique identity of your product via google feed specification into google product listing ads. generally google merchant feed which was used to improve the product band identity and product sales so here this google products feed unique identity provided brand name towards your target.
Bing shopping product feed ads management:
Bing product search feeds contain 20% remaining in our search engine product feed management. Bing product search was effectively handled by bing shopping ads. here this one also have same issue like google for unique identity so we are providing the bing product lisitng ads unique identity to your product with data feed.