Search engine feed management is a foremost platform used in product feed management or marketing system. Various search engine platforms are available to list your products, but based on the investigation need to choose the accurate podium with targeting country, targeting peoples, and budget and product category. in this platform main target was google product feed managed by googlemerchant feed centre. These feed are managed by google shopping feed specification for product lisiting ads. seconday we are focusing for Bing product shopping feed ads, which was handled with bing shopping feed. List of search engines available for product feeds are.
Google Shopping (CPC).
Shopzilla (CPC).
PriceGrabber (CPC).
Amazon Product Ads (CPC)
eBay Commerce Network (CPC).
Become (CPC).
Nextag (CPC).
Bing Product Ads (CPC)
Pronto (CPC). (% Sale)