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E-Commerce Report & Data Analysis

Data Analysis is the procedure of assembling as many information’s as possible that is relatable to the subject under consideration. Data analysis is the most important tool for mining patrons lifetime value.

Stumble on new patrons and get information concerning existing patrons with the e-commerce analysis.

datafeedware helps patrons reach probable consumers and hoist sales conversion rate through a range of online marketing activities; datafeedware also helps patrons increase repurchase rate through analytical campaigns and boost patron lifetime value through patrons fidelity program.

The analysis illustrates where you will find the most fascinating target groups. All you want to contribute is the postcodes of your alive patrons.

There are two levels of e-commerce analysis: Fundamental and In detail.

Fundamental – fast analysis:

This is based on the postcodes of your existing patrons. Based on this information, you can find out which montage way of life Groups your patrons belong to. That will provide a implausible foundation to make decisions about which of your existing and probable patrons you should work on, and how to converse with them.

In-detail – loads of data, loads of possibilities:

In-depth involves a profound analysis of lifestyles and facts from data, which allows for greater accuracy when selecting potential target groups than what Basic offers. You can also choose to only scrutinize a portion of your patron base and receive a foundation for targeting that group.

The major services in Mindzpark’ eCommerce data analysis includes:

Browsing behaviour analysis:

Physical position analysis.

Sales route analysis.

Conversion KPI.

Key words analysis.

A/B test report.

Electronic Commerce sales analysis.

Sales target analysis.

ROI analysis.

Purchasing behavior analysis:

CRM KPI analysis.

Consumer shift analysis.

Consumer profile analysis.

Consumer contribution.

Consumer purchase analysis.

Consumer active rate analysis.


Data quality analysis.

Product analysis

Top trades by position /age/time/other patron segmentations.

Top conversion rate by place/age/time/other patron segmentations.

Item sales forecast.

Inventory turnover rate analysis.

Combination item analysis.

E-Commerce Reporting:

Each E-Commerce trader would like to know what their patrons buy and what affects their assessment. Perceptive Ecommerce Reporting and Tracking will facilitate the merchants to understand consumer behavior, sales/product/campaign performance to assist them make better resolutions.

datafeedware have a panel of committed experts who are well versed in gathering data from various sources like analytics, web master tools, backend systems and produce insightful reports. We worth your business and therefore we stick on to our client’s secrecy policies and glad to sign a Non-Disclosure agreement with all our clients.

About Datafeedware

E-commerce product data feed solutions for search engine, marketplaces and comparison shopping engine.


Case studies


Perfect place for search engine data feed solution. we reached 230% sales increase in google merchat centre - Gloria

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