Case Studies

High conversion rate with low amazon ad feeds cpc costing

  • Sector

    Cloth Materials

  • Business Type

    online retailer

  • Turn Over

    < 15,000 $

  • Platform


    Services Used

  • Google Shopping Merchant

Google shopping merchant feed approval issue


Superiorcustomlinens online retailer selling custom bedding materials in North American. They are new to product feed management system with google adwords(google shopping)

Previous situation:

Initially they have setup their merchant centre & adwords setup their own. They have completed their feed generation process and submitted to merchant centre for approval. but after several time of updates adwords team disapproved their feed continuously.

When we handling this one, They started issues initially. Before going to submit the feed to merchant centre need to verified the required elements for google merchant centre like contact details, FAQ, Terms and Conditions, Return Policy like elements need to update in your e-commerce so that was their main issue.


After gone through their product feed it have large amount of feed quality issue. Google merchant centre required high quality feeds.

  • Field mapping issues
  • Improved keyword target
  • Dummy values

Use case:

In this particular case we analysis each one of the issue.

1. Field Mapping:

Field mapping issue when we are moving to automated feed generation process, we offered manual edit option for product field mapping.

2. Keyword target

For keyword targeting, we provided the manual edit option for product title and description.


We offered automated tool to manage product data feeds from bigcommerce platform to google merchant centre.

About Datafeedware

E-commerce product data feed solutions for search engine, marketplaces and comparison shopping engine.


Case studies


Perfect place for search engine data feed solution. we reached 230% sales increase in google merchat centre - Gloria

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